Derwentwater – Saturday 25th March 2023


Today I spent time around Derwentwater. It really was my kind of day. We had a walk, had a rest, had another walk and repeat. It didn’t start so well as my early morning walk was just a pee stop due to the rain. To be honest it was a race between me and Mum as to who could get back most quickly, before dripping our way back into our hotel room and falling about laughing. It got much better after that.

We found it

Our first stop was to find where Dad used to stay as a child. It really was in the middle of nowhere. He was so happy to find it and stopped, in the pouring rain, to take photos. Of course, that freaked out the farm owner who came out to see what he was doing. As soon as he explained it all made sense to them.

Friar’s Crag

Our first walk was at Friar’s Crag by Derwent Water. We had a lovely walk and the rain stopped. The lake was quite choppy and brooding in the cloudy weather. Mum said she’d like to come again when it’s sunny and that sounds good to me. Mum and Dad bought takeaway coffees on the way back to the car, but I have spent the day drinking fresh mountain water and it was wonderful. Better still I could drink it while standing in it up to my knees.

Ashness Bridge

Our next stop was Ashness Bridge. The bridge is very narrow and I closed my eyes while Dad drove over it, but he did all right. All the car parks have been National Trust which makes it very easy as Mum and Dad are members. We had a photo stop there but didn’t have a long walk. Then we went on to a place called Surprise View. I stayed in the car for that stop. Mum said that was probably as well as there was quite a steep drop and she didn’t like that bit much. Mum said it was quite a view and you could really see how bad the flooding was as well as having a good view of what was supposed to be the lake.

We carried on along the road to Watendlath. That was one scary road in places. Mum isn’t great with things like that. We were going to have another walk there, but the routes were flooded so it was rather shorter than we’d thought.

Bowder Stone

Our next walk was to the Bowder Stone in Borrowdale. It just looked like a very big rock to me. Mum said ‘What if it’s really a film set made of polystyrene?’ but I think she was just being silly. Dad was remembering things he used to do as a boy and it all sounded pretty scary to me and Mum. Mum said he could not try to relive some of the more dangerous aspects of his childhood. He seemed disappointed.

Mum and Dad went in search of more coffee after that. I opted out and was happy to have a bit of a snooze. Once we’d all recovered we went to Great Wood for the last walk of the day. Mum’s step counter said she’d walked about 14kilometres up to teatime and I’d done most of them with her.

After all that I was quite ready to put my paws up. It was a lovely day.

