Home from Home – Sunday 12th May 2024

Home from home

Well, I’m home from home. Here I am staying in the same place that Mum and I stayed at last year. It’s good to be back. When Mum was packing things up I was so worried she was going without me. It got to the point where the minute I heard her going out of the front or back door I started to cry, just so she didn’t forget I was there. She sat down with me and said she never chose to go to places without me. (Ok, so I know that’s not entirely true, but it was a nice thought.) She even said that if they’d give her a bed next to mine when I go into hospital then she’d happily stay with me. I suggested she should talk to the vet as it could probably be arranged.

A good journey

Despite being a few hundred miles, our journey went remarkably well. It was a lovely sunny day and most people had better things to do that sit on the motorway in a car. That was all to our benefit and we even managed to keep to Mum’s schedule, which always makes her happy. There was even time to stop at the supermarket for some human food when we arrived.

Short walk

I had a short walk around the area, just to check it was as I left it. It’s surprising how little changes in a year. Mum says she was thinking how little the route had changed since she used to drive it all the time with Alfie and that was over sixteen years ago. In one part the speed limit has been reduced, but she said most of the rest of the trip was just as it was before. So here I am in Belgium. Although having said that, today I’m actually going to be in the Netherlands seeing my friend Cookie.



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