It was all going so well – Sunday 1st September 2019

It was all going so well

Well, it was all going so well until Mum hurt her shoulder. One minute she was talking to my grandparents and the next she was in bed flat on her back with a pack of frozen cherries under her shoulder. We’re just hoping that a night’s rest will have sorted out the problem. We have such exciting plans so I really don’t want her to miss out.

On the train

On top of the world

Yesterday we went by train up the Rigi and it was absolutely amazing. The air was really clean and the views were just great. I was really good on the train and most of the time except when there were other dogs to bark at. I did quite a lot of barking then. We took the train to the last stop and then walked the little way to the very top. Then we sat and had a drink before starting to walk back down the mountain. We walked for the first hour and then found somewhere for lunch before getting the train the rest of the way down. I had a lovely day.

Gardening continued

We had to go to the supermarket on the way home, but I stayed in the car so that wasn’t so bad. Then we all had another go at the gardening. I think that’s where it might have gone wrong for Mum’s shoulders. She was really stretching to cut some pieces off the bushes and I think that may have pulled something in her shoulder. Dad did say that gardening was dangerous and it looks as though he may have been right!

Bar B Q

Today if Mum is ok we’re going for a bar b q on my mountain. It’s going to be great. What more could any dog want than dog friends to play with and food to beg for? I think I’m going even if Mum can’t!



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    • Thank you. Mum says whatever she trapped has released it just feels as though one of us hit her with a baseball bat now. I’m sure that will get better For the record, none of us actually owns a baseball bat!

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