Dog friendly hotels in Switzerland

We will include here Dog Friendly Hotels in Switzerland that our correspondents report on. Giving our usual bone rating, with six being the highest award.

Aeschi bei Spiez

Hotel Aeschi Park – Aeschi bei Spiez – This is one that has pros and cons. It has lovely big rooms so you’ll have plenty of space not to trip your humans up. There is car parking and a grassy area outside, but that’s really a formal garden so you may not be encouraged to use it for toiletting. You need to take your own bed and bowl. It’s a lovely village and very nice to walk round with your human and there are bins around. However, the hotel seems to have a lot of tour parties and some of them can be very noisy. If you’re a dog of a nervous disposition it can be a bit offputting and you may feel the need to bark. We give it three bones.


Al Ponte – Cademario – This hotel had a lovely big room and even we could see the views over the lake. There is a nice terrace area where it was cool to sit and eat. We could also sit in the restaurant inside too. Walking is along the street for a while. Then there is grass a little way away and there was a convenient dog bin. We give it 4.5 bones.


Hotel-Restaurant Möve – Faulensee – There is parking around the hotel. In addition there is an entrance in and out to the bedrooms without having to traipse through the reception. There are plenty of grassy areas around to walk and stretch your legs and bins for your human to clear up. There is a house dog so do make sure you are polite on the way in, but as long as you are then you will be allowed to sit with your humans while they eat.

Some of the rooms have French windows out onto little balconies looking over the lake, but I’d rather walk round it than look at it. There is not a great deal of room for your bed and bowl not to get in the way so you may find your humans stepping on things. You need to take your own bed and bowl too. We give it four bones.


Hotel Bellerive – If you have to stay in a city centre as a dog then this is the way to do it. The room was wonderfully large for a city and very comfortable. Better still, the bathroom door didn’t go all the way to the floor, so there was no way for your human to shut you out. There is parking behind the hotel and a footpath with grass to the side, meaning you can walk away from any traffic. There was even a dog bin. As long as you don’t mind the traffic, there are tables and chairs on the street, which are part of the hotel’s bar. We were given a room right by the lift, which made getting in and out convenient. I’m really not a city girl, but I thoroughly enjoyed my stay here. 5 bones.


Gasthof Löwen – Melchnau – The rooms are large and give you plenty of space to put your bed and with hard floors it’s as easy for your bowl to be in the room too. We liked the fact that there is a door by the parking area which means you don’t have to walk all through the hotel every time you go out. There were bins along the road so that wasn’t too much of a problem. The people were lovely and made us feel very welcome. We give it four bones.


SeminarHotel am Ägerisee -Unterägeri – This hotel is near the lake which is great for walking if you like finding birds to chase. There is car parking in front of the hotel and there are bins not far away for cleaning up. The rooms are quite spacious which is great because it means there is plenty of room for your bed and you won’t trip over your human too often. Both Alfie and Shadow have stayed here at different times and both were made to feel very welcome.

Alfie says that in the business area there was plenty of room for him to sit at our Mistress’s feet and offer to be stroked if he liked the look of people walking by. There are no extras provided so do take your own food and bed. Overall though both Alfie and Shadow said they would recommend this hotel and give it a good four bone rating. The father of one of Shadow’s litters lives near here so she may be a little biased. We give it four bones.


Hotel Rebstock – Wolhusen – We may be biased, but we like this hotel. I was recognised as an Entlebucher as soon as I went in, although of course it is the neighbouring town to Entlebuch. We was made very welcome and the room and bathroom were both good sizes. I was very happy in the restaurant under a nicely enclosed bench seat and most of the time you wouldn’t have known I was there. I did find the road very noisy and busy when it came to going for a walk first thing in the morning, but there was a small patch of grass I could use opposite the hotel when I just needed a loo break. Our room was quiet and very pleasant and I did find it very nice and relaxing. We give it three bones.


Schlosshotel Zermatt – This is one of our favourite hotels and worthy of its five bone rating. We were not just allowed, we were welcomed. There were towels we could use to dry off when we came in and we were able to sit with our humans both to have afternoon tea and at breakfast. The rooms meant we had plenty of space and the room had a balcony so we could get fresh air even when we came indoors.

The town doesn’t have cars, but you do need to keep a keen ear open for the electric carts that go around as they are very quiet. However, with little traffic it made walking round lovely and the countryside is great. We might be biased being mountain dogs but we had a wonderful time. Even better you don’t have to pay any extra for us to stay there and that’s quite unusual. We give it five bones.


Hotel Coronado – Zurich – If you have to stay in a city centre then this is really not such a bad place to do it. There is parking just behind the hotel, but it’s very noisy and busy and there are not many places. Aristotle said there were roadworks when he was there, so it may not be as noisy as he remembers. The hotel itself is nice and the rooms are a good size, but when you want to go for a walk the immediate, like any city, is all pavements. Ari said it’s not so bad for boys as there are plenty of lampposts to pee on.

What did make it much better than most city hotels is that it is opposite a lovely big park which has plenty of paths for walkers and joggers and where you can leave the busy noises behind. It’s really near the University Veterinary Hospital too which was why Ari was there, so if that is where you are heading it is perfect. You will need to take your own bed. We give it three bones.

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