Now I’m confused – Wednesday 30th January 2019

Now I’m Confused

Well now I’m confused and if you’re following Brexit I suspect you are too. Am I the only dog here who thinks the politicians have even less idea of what is going on than we have? How can there be people so convinced they are going to be able to renegotiate the deal when the people they plan to negotiate with are saying there will be no changes? I’m just glad that my travelling days are over. I can’t help but think that Wilma’s first journey across the Channel at the beginning of April could be a bit of a challenge.

Can’t we just stay in?

I just want them to all go away and forget they ever had the idea in the first place. We knew where we were before and I for one was happy for it to stay that way. I don’t want anything to separate me from all my friends and family across the rest of Europe. It’s a crazy idea. Why do we leave things to humans? They make such a mess of it. As a dog this is definitely one of those ideas we should have either chewed up and spat out beyond any recognition or peed on.

Old People’s Outing

Now I don’t know if I should take it personally, but our Mistress has started talking about her Tuesday morning ‘old people’s outing’. That’s when she takes me and Shadow swimming. I think Shadow is more fed up about the description than I am, but then she won’t be ten until next week.

The point was, that our Mistress has now said she needs to leave earlier so that we have enough time to get in the car. Apparently we’re slower than we used to be and when we wander off to have a sniff in the garden and take a long time to come back, it doesn’t help. You can’t rush a good thing! That’s all I’m saying.

Have a good day


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