Shadow is poorly – Tuesday 18th June 2019

Shadow is poorly

Well Shadow is poorly. She had such a lovely time at the 10th anniversary fun day and came home so excited to tell me about it all. Then yesterday when she got up she felt hungry but didn’t want to try eating because her tummy was hurting. When she told our Mistress she was taken very seriously because of her history of problems. Anyway, our Mistress gave her a few hours to see how she was and then took her to the vet. All concerned think she may have slight pancreatitis again. Anyway, she has been put straight onto some medication and is going back to the vet again this afternoon to be assessed. No one wants her to end up as ill as she was last year.


Anyway, because of Shadow being ill, it means Aristotle will get to come swimming with me today. He thinks that’s great fun, but I’m not so keen. Our Mistress has promised that he can sit in the car while I have my swim so I can have her undivided attention, so maybe it won’t be quite so bad.

It’s lovely having our Master home at the moment. We’re all getting lots of cuddles from him as he really misses us when he’s not here. It does rather mean that Wilma can get away with murder. She thoroughly enjoys being able to snuggle into bed between the two of them. If I’m being honest, I am a little bit jealous of that one. It makes me remember back to the days when I would do that. Happy days.


We have been going round the garden discussing where our new rose should be planted. Our Mistress was given a rose called ‘Celebration’ as a gift from our Club last weekend and wants to put it somewhere special so we can all enjoy it. After much discussion a spot has been chosen where it will have the opportunity to reach its full potential. Hopefully, they can enjoy it for many years to come.

Have a lovely Tuesday


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