A Dark Day – Tuesday 17th March 2020

A Dark Day

Today is a dark day, a very dark day. Please take a moment this afternoon at 4pm to think of Alfie. The vet will be coming to our house to help him cross the Rainbow Bridge. Mum will of course be with him and Dad will be there too via the Amazon Alexa screen they use. It’s the best they can do as Dad can’t get home at the moment. I won’t be in the room when it happens, but each of us will have chance to say our goodbyes just afterwards. None of us are coping all that well with the thought, but we do know it’s his time. Life is going to look very different in our house without him and we’re all going to need to rise to the challenge of looking after Mum. I might ask Mum if she would like to say a few words to you all tomorrow, but I’m not sure how she will be.

Last Days

Alfie is spending his last days being given anything he wants. If he asks for an extra meal he can have it. If he wants what’s on Mum’s plate he can have it. He’s getting gentle kisses rather than lots of cuddles as he says he’s struggling with those. Mum would have loved to have taken him out to some of his favourite places or done some of his favourite things but he’s not up to it. She had hoped to take him out one last time in his little car, but he has said he needs that just to be a memory. He would struggle to get in and would not be comfortable.

I do think there might be steak on the menu today, but I’m not sure I shall really feel like eating it.



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  1. Alfie I can’t think how many years I have been reading your daily diary. It is the first thing I read in the morning. It has been a privilege and an honour to be able to read about all your adventures. Wilma has done a great job recently and I am sure she will keep up the great work. It is time for you to rest now, to be able to run like a puppy and chase butterflies. Lots of love x

    • Thank you. I will do my best to continue. It’s going to be very strange without Alfie’s guiding paw.

  2. So sorry to hear this… a very difficult decision, we wish you all strength possible and I’ll be thinking of you this afternoon. From following Alfie’s Diary I know that you’ve given Alfie the best home imaginable, let that be a consolation ?
    Take care,

  3. Almost lost for words with sadness. A friend, a confidante, a rough and tumble playmate and a majestic presence in our house for 14 eventful years. I’m sorry that I can’t be there to share your last moments in person and to help give Mum a cuddle. Since that day that I picked you up at Sonia”s & Chris’ and you relaxed back into my arms as if it was where you were always meant to be, we’ve shared a lot of fun together. The recent past has held a lot of pain, but you will be free from that after today. Love for ever. Dad xx.

    • Oh Dad, I wish you were here too. I’m going to need a lot of cuddles and I know Shadow will too. We all love you and miss you.

  4. Alfie you are the inspiration that has led me to be with my humans. You showed them what a wonderful breed you were part of and encouraged them to share their lives with Entlebuchers. Your life has been full and joyful to those close to you and also those further away. Greatest love to your doggy and human families.

    Dexter xx ( and Mike)

  5. Oh Alfie, I’m so sorry, it’s so hard to say goodbye. You’ve been such a loving faithful friend to your Master and Mistress, and are loved by so many. Sleep well, my lovely boy. Oh Ros, Wilma, I’m so very, very sorry. All our love, Val and Niamh xx

  6. So sad, but Alfie has given us all wonderful memories and doggy wisdom. Love and hugs to you all. xxxx

  7. As a family from Canada that lost our Entle over the rainbow bridge our thoughts are with you.Even though they are gone these amazing loyal companions never leave our hearts.

  8. Will be thinking of you all, Wilma, and of your Mum who loves you all. I have only recently come to these blog posts, but feel I have got to know you all. Gentle strokes to Alfie and love to you all,

    Maria x

  9. We all send our love to you. God bless Alfie, you will always have a special place in our hearts. Sheila, Mark and Dickens XXXXXXX

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