Weather Forecast – Saturday 5th January 2019

Weather forecast

The weather forecast is very snowy. I think the little bit we had the other day was just to get us used to it before it really starts. To be fair, Mum and I have only got to manage another couple of days of it, but Dad really does have to be prepared. I think he’s going to be doing a lot of shovelling and a lot of wearing his snow boots.

Huge Fun

I did have huge fun yesterday. Well, after I’d been to the vet and Mum had got lost anyway. The vet was fine and I know my way around there now, so that wasn’t a problem. Unfortunately, Mum doesn’t know her way around quite so well. She thought she knew where we were meeting my friends as we’ve been there once before, but her sat-van took her in a funny direction and then she turned the car around twice. After which she no longer knew which way she’d come or which way she was supposed to go. She spoke to Megan’s human on the phone and they helped to get us unlost, for which we were both grateful.

New friends

Anyway, Mama Susi, Megan and I then had a lovely walk up to a farm on the other side of the lake. We could see my mountain from there, which was awesome. Mum tried to see if she could see our house but we could only see the stables which is slightly higher up the hill. We went to meet Luna. She’s had one litter of puppies already and is hoping to have another in a few months. It was so interesting to see where she lives and meet her family. I really like some of her humans. She’s only a little older than I am and we had a great time running round in the snow. It’s amazing when I’m in Switzerland that I can just meet others of my breed so easily. It’s so different to when we’re in England, although I guess that’s easier now than it was when Alfie was young.

Luna, Mama Susi, Wilma and Megan



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  1. It’s a shame, Wilma, I’know, I’know, I’know, I’know, I’know …

    Now finally here’s your craved for snow – and there will be much more to come – and you’re off to Tholthorpe again! What a rotten timing! Talk about that with your Mistress!

    Well, let’s hope next time you’ll hit it better! I’m looking forward to seeing you again. It was nice to run with you and all the other fine dogs and have our nice humans with us.

    I must now concentrate on Valeria’s …. you know… You’ll be the first to know about the … when it’s all over …

    Hope for the best with us, please!

    Mama Susi.

    • Dearest Mama
      I really missed you today. It was just crazy in the snow up on the Raten and having no one to share it with was such a shame.
      Give my love to Valeria and I hope everything goes well.
      See you soon
      Your ever loving daughter

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