Friday Flashback – Friday 15th March 2019

Friday Flashback

We haven’t had a Friday Flashback for a while. It was funny reading about 2011 when Shadow and Megan had just come back from doing Discover Dogs.

Discover Dogs

The girls have been regaling me with stories from their time at Discover Dogs. Megan was telling me about a little boy that she thinks I would have liked. He came and met her towards the end of the show and totally fell in love with our breed. Megan thinks he will remember for when he is older and will have one of us as his companion one day. My Mistress said that he reminded her of what she was like when she was a child and one time she found a dog she really could relate to. It wasn’t one of us, but we have forgiven her as there weren’t any of us in the country then. My Mistress has said that I was the dog she always dreamed of having. That made me feel better about not being able to go with her. The girls were saying that everyone who comes up to meet you tends to scrunch your ears up. I would be no good really, as that hurts me. Perhaps it’s best I don’t go to things like that. They wouldn’t want me yelping all the time.

Oh dear poor Alfie, this made me laugh from 2012. Of course the next puppy he had to bring up was me and I think he did a pretty good job of that.

Aristotle at 6 months

Megan’s Breeding Test

All the plans are now finalised for Megan’s trip to Switzerland next month. She is going for her final tests to be able to have puppies. She’s very excited. There is just one small problem. My Mistress is now concerned that her season might start a little earlier than we were expecting and if that happens she might have to go straight to the stud dog rather than having much of a break between the two trips. I’m not sure I’m ready for more puppies around the house. I’ve only just got over Aristotle’s litter and I’m definitely putting my paw down about keeping any more. It’s hard work being a father figure to Aristotle I’m not ready to take another youngster on just yet.

Well, I’m off to cause mayhem. I’m fed up with the windy weather and we’re all a bit on edge now.

Have a great Friday



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