I’m Getting Excited – Thursday 14th July 2022

I’m getting excited

I’m getting excited about seeing my friends today. Salvo and Izzy will be here later this morning. The good news is that it won’t already be too hot by then for us to have a little fun. Ari won’t be allowed to play with them, as his leg isn’t so good and he’s finding things hard at the best of times. Me, on the other paw, I just can’t wait. I’ve had to promise we’ll try not to end up in the pond. Mum has found the old plastic pool, not the one eaten by mice, and says if we want to go in water we can go in that. I don’t think I should show them where my apples are. They both have to be careful what they eat and I wouldn’t like to be accused of making them poorly.

Out in the garden

Ari is happy about the lower temperatures for a few days as he’s been able to get out into the garden a little more. He’s been feeding the herbs and vegetables and giving them a good water. Some of them are struggling with the heat as much as we are, but despite him asking Mum he is not being allowed to move them all into her bedroom where the air-conditioning unit is set up.

When it’s really hot next week we’re going to turn the bedroom into our den. Mum says she will join us in there and we’ll all have a lovely day away from the heat. I’m quite looking forward to it, although I may get a little bored by the end of the time in there. I suppose it won’t be so bad of Mum doesn’t mind having all our toys around for the days too. Then I spotted a watermelon that she’s bought to share with us. I wonder how much mess we would make with slices of frozen watermelon on her bed.



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