I was first – Thursday 6th June 2019

I was first

I was first and I like it. Actually, that’s not strong enough, I love it. The new chair arrived as planned and our Mistress came to find me and asked if I would like to be the first one to try it. Thankfully I was having a good day with my legs so I said I’d give it a go. Oh my! Oh it’s so comfortable. I just settled myself down and would have been happy to have stayed there with our Mistress all day. In reality, it’s big enough for our Mistress and Wilma and me, but we’ve not tried that yet. Our Mistress says if I think I’ll settle like that we could maybe try it in an evening after Aristotle goes to bed. I just can’t wait to see if it’s ok. I’m quite happy to share with Wilma. I even put up with her when she sits on me, so I think it should work.

New Tricks

Wilma’s trick skills are coming on. To be honest that is not quite right. When Wilma is in a cooperative mood her trick skills are coming on. Sometimes she just turns round and says she doesn’t feel like doing as she’s told and just barks at our Mistress instead. I guess you can’t have everything. As long as our Mistress and Wilma do a little bit of work every day I’m sure Wilma will cooperate in the end. Besides, as soon as she gets the hang of bed and moves onto ‘box’ it sounds as though it could be a lot more fun – at Wilma’s age anyway, for me there is very little which is more appealing than bed.

Early starts

We’re annoying our Mistress again. It gets light so early in the morning and we’re back to wanting to get up at five. It may not surprise you that our Mistress is less keen, but we find if Wilma jumps on her enough she tends to cooperate and take us out. She just won’t give in and provide our breakfast early, but we won’t give up trying.

Have a great Thursday


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