Friday Puppy Flashback – Friday 25th September 2020

Friday Puppy Flashback

I’m glad it’s Friday Puppy Flashback. That’s far better than telling you about Mum’s latest discovery. If you burst into racking sobs and get a very runny nose as a result, whilst wearing a mask, then it really doesn’t end well. It’s a good job there was no one around to see her, that’s all I’m saying! Anyway, what happened on this day in pre-Covid days?

In 2008 Alfie was deeply philosophising about the neighbouring sheep and green grass.

Is the grass really greener?

I wonder if sheep think about the fact that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. It would be true for the ones in the field by us. They have nibbled their grass almost to extinction, while ours is still very green. To be fair ours isn’t all grass. It’s amazing how green moss and weeds can look. Maybe that’s the whole point of the saying, maybe when the grass is greener, it’s because it isn’t really grass at all but a poor substitute. It would be very sad if they went to the trouble of escaping from their field only to come round and make that discovery for themselves.

Shadow did not want her picture taken yesterday

In 2010 Alfie was busy saying the wrong thing to Shadow.

Putting my paw in it

I was talking to Shadow about the tests she has just had done for breeding. I was trying to be reassuring and say that I knew what it felt like to be told you couldn’t have puppies. Obviously I hoped she was ok, I was here for her if she wasn’t. She didn’t really understand what I was saying. Instead she just flounced off saying that all her direct ancestors had had puppies so she expected she would be fine. Now while she had a good point, all of mine had puppies too, otherwise I wouldn’t be here, but it didn’t mean that I could!

This bit from 2011 really brought a lump to my throat. It is so sad that the brother and the sister who both helped Aristotle when he was tiny have died recently. We shall always be grateful to them.

Friday Flashback to a Rugby Scrum

Who needs to watch the World Cup Rugby when who can watch the cutest rugby scrum in the world, with seven pups with their arms around each other, locked in position scrumming down against their mother to get milk. I’m not really sure Aristotle was designed to play in the front row, but with a sister like Adrienne to support him on one side and his brother Arnold on the other then hopefully there’s no stopping him.

This is the video that was taken that day in 2011

Well that’s all from me. Have a great Friday.



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