Snow Shoeing – Sunday 6th December 2020

Snow shoeing

Dad went snow shoeing with my sister. It is so not fair. I want to go with him. I’ve never been snow shoeing. Now to be fair, we dogs don’t actually have snow shoes but our humans do. Mum’s are still pristine and unused. She got them for last winter then broke her ankle before we even got there. The previous year we went for a walk that she realised she would only be able to do if she had snow shoes so we had to turn around. Now we’re stuck here and my sister got to take Dad instead. I’m so disappointed. I keep telling myself that this won’t be forever, but some days it does rather feel that way.

Dad going snow shoeing with my sister Valeria

Who are you talking to?

There is nothing worse for an inquisitive dog than their human not putting the phone on speaker so that they can hear the conversation too. There I was putting my head over Mum’s shoulder to ask her not to leave me out and she thought it was funny and took my photo. If she’d remembered to put the phone on speaker so I could talk to Dad too then I wouldn’t have had to ask. I didn’t expect her to find it amusing. Mind you, I did have a phone call from my sister Tosca yesterday and it was lovely to hear how they are all doing.


Yesterday, Mum finished the first draft of the book she’s been writing. It’s really good news as she can now spend a bit more time helping me make the changes I’m trying to do to my diary. She’s told me I can’t have all her time as the others have asked if she’d sit in the lounge with them and read or watch films too. I hope I’m not left working while they all have fun. I wouldn’t like that at all.



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