Pretty Polly – Wednesday 6th January 2021

Pretty Polly

I want to tell you about the very pretty Polly. No, I’m not talking about a parrot. I’m talking about my great-niece Skyeannroos Belle Padstow. She’s known at home as Polly. She is a granddaughter of my half-sister, Valeria and interestingly seems to look quite like me and some of my litter mates. I think she looks even more like my Aunty Megan. Megan’s dad is my granddad and Sybil’s great-great-granddad. Of course we all have the same colouring, but it’s more than that. Here are pictures of Polly on the left and me on the right – what do you think?

Polly’s family

Obviously Polly is still living with my niece, Sybil as that’s her mum and she’s still very young. She’s going to continue to live with her even when she gets bigger, which is lovely. Her other housemate is Basil who is one of Shadow’s second litter. It’s lovely as Basil is actually her uncle too as Polly’s father is Leo from Shadow’s fourth litter. Oh I know, it’s complicated – keep up.

The very pretty Polly with her ball.

The other thing you may have spotted, if you are a fan of Fawlty Towers is their names – Basil, Sybil and Polly. I don’t know about you, but I’m not in a hurry to go and stay with them! Anything could happen.


It is very hard for any puppy trying to get used to the big wide world at the moment. Of course, one of the best things is for their human to play them recordings of lots of strange noises and introduce them to as many different things as possible. However it’s hard to go out and about. Polly has started going out when her owner does leave the house. She goes in a special carrier so she is safe and sound, as she hasn’t had all her vaccinations yet.

Polly in her carrier

Anyway, I thought you’d like to meet her properly. I think she looks just lovely and I can’t want to meet her. I wonder if we’ll really look alike as she grows up.



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