Counting Down Again – Tuesday 9th March 2021

Counting down again

We’re all counting down again. You have never seen anyone as excited as Shadow when Mum broke the news to her that Dad is coming home. You wouldn’t think a dog of her age could twist and turn in so many directions at once. She’s going to pay for that later of course. Anyway, now Mum has had her first Covid vaccination and the number of cases have come down, Dad will be arriving in another couple of weeks. Mum will be three weeks post injection then, so the risk to her is a little lower – we hope.

So much to do

You wouldn’t believe what you have to do to travel internationally at the moment. You really don’t want to be thinking about doing it unless you have to. There are so many things which could go wrong, it’s like a military operation. Mum says she’s bound to have forgotten something, she just hopes it isn’t one of the really important bits.

Once Dad gets here he will be in quarantine from the world, including us, for ten days. It is going to be hard to contain our excitement until he is finally back to giving us cuddles. Shadow of course has first dibs on that. She is adamant that no one will get in before her. She can still be pretty fierce, even at her age, so I won’t be arguing.

What will we do

Mum says she wants to spend lots of time just sitting outside enjoying coffee and cake. ‘And playing with the dog,’ I said, jumping up and down so she couldn’t be under any misapprehension that I meant me. Anyway, so that’s sorted then. Playing with the dog will be their top priority. I’m pretty good at getting my own way when it comes down to it.



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