Dog versus Stone – Thursday 6th May 2021

Dog versus stone

It was dog versus stone in our garden earlier this week and I was scared. I’m a coward and I don’t mind admitting it. The stone came out of nowhere and took me by surprise. Here’s how it happened.

Mum was securing the new water butt in place. When she took the lid off, she found the stone weighting it down was one of the nice Cotswold stones she uses for rockery. Sensibly she replaced it with a piece of broken paving slab, but as I’m not the gardening dog she didn’t discuss it with me. Neither did Aristotle think to explain.  

A surprise

Anyway, Mum put the stone with the other rockery stones. They are dirty as they’ve been on the garden for a while. The one she added was large and very yellow. A girl can be forgiven for thinking it might be a scary animal when she’s got a vivid imagination and she’s a coward. I backed away from the stone when I saw it and wouldn’t go close. For all I knew it might have decided to attack me.

In the end when Mum realised the mistake I’d make she went up to it and showed me it was just a stone. I shrugged and said, ‘I knew.’ I couldn’t have my credibility dented by her realising I was scared. I didn’t know, not really.  Once Mum had gone I went and gave it a good sniff just to check and it really was only a stone.

Ari and Dad

Ari has been having lovely cuddles with Dad. It’s funny, he always does it around meal times. I don’t like to suggest it, but I think it might only be cupboard love. He doesn’t seem nearly so keen when there’s no thought of food, which is really very selfish on Ari’s part.



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