Shadow and Aristotle – Friday 7th May 2021

Shadow and Aristotle

Shadow and Aristotle both had some good news yesterday. Firstly, Aristotle’s blood tests came back and the level of fat in his blood has shown some reduction. It looks like his change of diet has helped. He’s got to have a repeat scan of his gall bladder in a month’s time. He wasn’t so happy to hear that. He said the fur was only just beginning to grow back on his tummy and he doesn’t really want to have it shaved off again. To be honest, I’m feeling the odd one out – of the dogs anyway. I’m the only one who hasn’t had my tummy shaved. Mum has said that’s a good thing and if I really want to look like the others then she’ll give it a go for me. I am not going anywhere near Mum when she has a sharp implement in her hands.

Shadow’s day

Shadow was not happy that she couldn’t have her breakfast. Oh boy can that dog howl. Anyway, once she’d gone to the vet peace was restored. Her scan showed that her heart is doing fine and everything is happily controlled by her tablets. It also showed that the marks on her spleen haven’t changed in the last few months and therefore do not appear to be anything we need to worry about. As if that wasn’t enough good news, the vet was able to clean more of the wax out of her left ear and gave her some long acting antibiotic drops for a slight infection. Whilst she does seem to be completely deaf in her other ear, it turns out that her left one still has some hearing but was completely blocked.

On the downside, it does mean that Shadow needs the radio on again. It’s not the radio that’s the real problem, it’s Mum dancing round the kitchen.



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