All too weird – Sunday 20th June 2021

All too weird

Life is getting all too weird around here from a dog point of view. You know when you just feel edgy because nothing feels quite right, well it’s like that. Mum is doing her best not to pack the rooms we are normally in yet. She says she wants some of the house to feel a little bit normal, but little by little abnormality is encroaching from all directions. I know it’s got to be done, but I really don’t think any of us like it – least of all Mum. She’s started closing doors to room she’s finished, but we’re not stupid. We know a closed door is hiding something.

A funny thing

There has been one funny thing. Well two if you count the fact we now have a resident pair of woodpeckers. The one I was thinking of though takes me back half a lifetime. When Mum and I went to Crufts three years ago we took the time to have a really good look around all the stands. It was one of the years I had my official reporters pass so we did our best to cover everything. Anyway, we saw a great garden building that was rather different and lots of fun. I took a photo and Mum said that maybe one day she would have one.

When we move to the new house, she will need somewhere for her office and has been looking at garden buildings. She suddenly remembered the ones we’d seen and asked if I could find the photo. I could and now she’s hoping that’s what we’re going to have. I do hope so as it has loads of character and would be great for all of us. Dad likes it too, which has to be a good thing.



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  1. Hi Wilma, I am interested in reading all about your big move and the things you have to do. I dread to think how many boxes we would have to pack. The garage alone is jammed with “stuff”. It is Dad`s domain and he does not like to throw things away in case they come in handy!!!! Please can I wish all Dads everywhere a HAPPY FATHERS DAY, both human and Dog. A special mention for my Dad Binto-Sami in Switzerland. Have great day everyone. Lots of love Dickens XXXXXXX

    • Oh Dickens, what a bad dog I am. I’d forgotten Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to my human dad, and my birth dad Rolex – they’re both in Switzerland too.
      Love to your human dad too, Dickens

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