Unexpected Bonus – Wednesday 18th May 2022

Unexpected bonus

It’s Ari here today and as a result of me going swimming there’s an unexpected bonus. I can have a new collar. How is that a result of swimming? No, before you ask I didn’t lose my old one. I didn’t leave it in my locker, or forget to take it off before getting in the pool. I’m quite a sensible dog and not as manipulative as you might think. Yes, really!

When I took my collar off to get into the pool Mum noticed that it was nearly worn through. “Oh, but I like that one,” I said. You know what it’s like. It’s only just worn in as far as I’m concerned. Mum was adamant. “Can I choose my new one?” I asked. She nodded. “Can I have whatever I want?” Gratifyingly it seems I can.

The Swimming

I suppose you really want to know how the swimming went. You know me. As always, I didn’t want to get in. I was all right though. I liked the lady there and did everything I was asked to, except get in the pool. She is very strong and simply lifted me in, so that put paid to that. She measured my legs and chest and made me do a little bit of swimming so she could see what I could do. Apparently I was very good. I think she quite liked me as well.

Back to the unexpected bonus of the collar

Anyway, back to the important business of the collar. I’ve decided I want one of the Hunter ones with Swiss flags all the way around. I want it in red leather. The problem is Mum can’t find one in my size. Now I have to decide whether to make do with something else until Mum can get one, or have the black one. I’ve seen how these things go with humans before. ‘Make do’ becomes the permanent solution. I’m having a think about it to see how I can guarantee getting the best out of the situation.

Not so good

The not so good news is that Dad tested positive for Covid yesterday. He’s supposed to be flying home next week so now we’re all waiting to see if he’s completely better in time. I’ve got my paws crossed. Shadow is beside herself worrying about him and saying she should be there to look after him. She will make an extra big fuss of him when he does come back.



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