Aristotle is expanding – Wednesday 9th November 2022

Aristotle is expanding

Now, when I say that Aristotle is expanding I don’t actually mean he is personally. He has designs on taking over the world with his gardening. More specifically it’s his vegetables. As he has done so well this year, he thought it was a good opportunity to put forward a proposal for some more vegetable beds. Thankfully, he’s not stupid. He has asked for these ones to be at a lower level ‘so he doesn’t need so much help from Mum’. What it of course actually means is that the vegetables will be at a level where we can pick some of them too.

Making his pitch

He took Mum and Dad outside to show them where he had in mind. It’s at the nearest end of the orchard. He had his plans all worked out. That grass isn’t being used for anything else. It’s to the south of the orchard trees so will get plenty of light. If there are paths around then it will be easy to get to without treading mud into the house (although he has reassured me that mud treading is still optional). He has even shown that with the seeds already ordered and the ones saved from this year he will be able to plant all of them.

The big things he needs are the troughs themselves, or at least some wood, soil to put in them and some help from Mum. He even argued that all the compost that we’re making will help to fill them – as long as we promise not to eat it.

Plans agreed

To our surprise his plans were approved with very little difficulty. Now he says he should have asked for more. It’s always hard to get a balance with how far to push your luck. Mind you based on his ability to negotiate up on his biscuit treat allowance I suspect he could have asked for almost anything and won. He’s really a very good negotiator.



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