Swiss Again – Tuesday 24th January 2023

Swiss Again

I’m officially Swiss again. Yesterday I went to renew my passport. I showed them all my papers and am happy to say that once again I can officially travel on my little red Pet Passport. It felt good to have that in my paws. Brexit made me very sad as even my UK passport stopped being valid for me to travel and like every other dog I was left stateless. I can hear Alfie now arguing it was an infringement of our Canine Rights, but there was nothing we could do about it. I’m one of the lucky ones having been born in Switzerland it was easy for me to have new papers issued. It’s the British born dogs I feel sorry for. They have lost so much.

Wilma showing that she is Swiss again

Farewell to my mountain

I went to say farewell to my mountain. Dad’s time working over here is at an end and tomorrow the removers will collect everything from our house. Today though was about goodbyes. I went for a run with my sister Valeria. It was funny as the snow was deeper and I kept getting stuck. She was more used to it and did get out after a jump or two. Mum was less keen on our walk today as the windchill meant it was minus ten Celsius. She found that a little cold. I was lower down so not as much affected by the wind.

More goodbyes

Then I had another lovely walk with my friend Ruff. He plays ball a lot and I was getting a bit frustrated as Mum wanted me on lead around the roads. We walked the circuit from our house as it was getting dark. We’ve never walked it at night before and it was like a Christmas card looking down on all the houses in the snow, with their lights shining out in the night. Mum said it made her want to stay even more, but she’s promised we’ll be back soon.

Odd day

Now I’m facing an odd day. I shall have to sit patiently while the men are packing everything up. I need to move from my crate when they’re ready to pack that, but Mum doesn’t want me sitting in the car for too long. Then the journey back to England begins and I’m pleased to say I’m bringing Dad home with me.



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