What a surprise – Monday 15th April 2024

What a surprise

Well what a surprise putting up the tent turned out to be. It didn’t go nearly as badly as I feared. Mum says once they’d worked out what the instructions meant it was relatively straightforward. Not quick, but straightforward. Unusually for this type of activity Mum and Dad were still talking to each other at the end of the process.

I have to say, I quite like the end result and began to see all sorts of possibilities. That was until Mum very firmly said I’d be camping on my own if I went down that route. I could see if my human aunt would take me, but the problem is that I really want to be with Mum. She has said she wouldn’t mind having a camper van, so there may be hope.

Look out for Koalas

Mum has got steam with eucalyptus going to help her chest. I’m just worried it’s going to attract any passing Koalas. It wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t so cute. I have enough to contend with fighting off the squirrels. At least she isn’t thinking of planting any eucalyptus in the garden. Dad has suggested planting bamboo in the hope of attracting Pandas, but I don’t think that’s any more likely than the Koalas.

Being brave

I’m being brave about my appointment later today. It’s the only thing this week that Mum hasn’t cancelled so she can get better. She says my immediate needs are more important even than her own health. Of course, as her faithful nurse and therapy dog, we did have quite a discussion about that before I gave in gracefully. My appointment is at 1pm, so at least the traffic won’t be too bad. Mum’s asked me to promise not to bark in the waiting room. Really? Her optimism overwhelms me.



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