Dad is Missing Us – Monday 19th October 2020

Dad is missing us

After his lovely weekend looking after a friend of ours, Dad is missing us more than ever. He did say that Ruff was better behaved than we were. That he was easier to look after than we are. You know, the way a parent does about someone else’s child. Of course, he didn’t mean to upset us and he did say he was missing us after I asked. To be honest, it was just after he said how much he was missing Ruff, so I can only assume he’s missing us even more. I’m not going to dwell on the fact that he let Ruff sleep in my bed, or that he kept going on about how wonderful he was. I could get a complex if I did that.

Unexciting week

It’s another unexciting week this week. We’re getting pretty used to that now. Ari has to go for his annual vaccinations and Shadow says her ears are still not right, so has asked if Mum can get her some more ear drops or take her for the vet to have another look. Apart from that it is going to be more of the same. The weird thing is that whilst you humans think that’s a bad thing, we find it quite comforting. We know where we are. At heart, we are creatures of habit. In general it’s you humans who seek out excitement rather than us.

On the downside

Whilst we like predictability, we’re less keen on the fact that it could rain almost every day this week. I don’t mind particularly but you know what Ari is like! I guess we’re in for the usual arguments about him going outside at those crucial times. Mum should just give in and get him an inside toilet. Mind you knowing what boys can be like and who would have to do the cleaning up, perhaps she has a point.



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