Long Walk – Monday 18th February 2019

Long walk

Yesterday was the day of the long walk. It was funny, Mum didn’t really feel like going out anywhere, but she knew it would do all of us good and she’d arranged to meet a friend for a walk with me in the afternoon. When she took Aristotle out she thought it would be a really short walk, like normal. However, for the first time in as long as she can remember he decided he’d like to do a complete circuit of the airfield. Shadow has been steadily improving on her walks and with the anti-inflammatories she’s taking, so she was ready to go further and then there was me.

Lovely time

We went to call for Mum’s friend from her house and then went to what we call the moors. It’s not like a big moor as you expect in Yorkshire, but it’s our little village one. We can walk round the edge of a number of fields in a big circuit. We pass Mum’s favourite tree on route and there are so many things to sniff. Mum makes me stay on the lead as I always want to run after things and try to go in the brook, which she says is not such a good idea. She says I’m not allowed to run across the farmer’s fields either, which is a shame as they do look inviting. I could have done another circuit but Mum said it was definitely time for a coffee at the end of one time round.

Melting snow

Dad says all the snow is melting in Switzerland and I need to get there quickly if I’m going to play in it. It would be awful if it had all gone before I got chance to enjoy it. Mum wants to wear her snow boots too as she really likes them. I think she may be too warm! I’m counting down the days to setting off and can’t wait to tell you all about our travels again.

Have a great Monday



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  1. Those walks sound wonderful. I can’t wait to read about your travels to Switzerland and see pictures of you cavorting in the snow. I once went to Switzerland (all the way from Aberdeen, by train an ferry) and it was a simply wonderful trip, even though I only saw a few patches of snow.
    Toodle pip!

    • Oh Bertie, I can’t wait. I’ve already got my little bag out to pack. So far I’ve got as far as a bag of treats. Well when I say a bag of treats, it’s more an empty bag as I ate the treats when I got them out.
      Have a great day

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