Twists and Turns – Tuesday 21st May 2019

Twists and Turns

Life has its little twists and turns. Yesterday started normally but then out of the blue, the four of us had to come to kennels so that our Mistress could go to see her dad. I was just sorry I couldn’t go with her to see Grandpa, but I wouldn’t have been allowed in the hospital, even if it weren’t for that fact I’m really not good with travelling. Thankfully, I was feeling much better so at least I wasn’t a worry for our Mistress.

I think on balance a last minute arrangement to come to kennels is far better than knowing I’m coming in advance. I don’t have time to get worried about it then. I’m sharing a room with Wilma, which is both a blessing and an annoyance. To be frank, I think Shadow is far more annoyed having to share with Aristotle. She says she got past wanting to share a room with her son a very long time ago.

On a different note

On a different note, did I tell you that Wilma’s niece Sybil is in season. I know I don’t usually tell you about those things, but this is important. Sybil is due to go to see a stud dog when the time is right. Eiger (not her brother you’ll be pleased to know) is eagerly awaiting her visit. We think she’s likely to be going to see him next weekend, but we’ll keep you posted. It’s big news as it will be the first UK litter for our breed in over two years and the first one with both parents living in this country for three years. It really is very exciting.

Now I just need to work out how to keep Wilma entertained while we are here. I’m hoping she will go off to play with some of the other dogs, but she might just decide she wants to stay around her old friend.

Have a good day


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