We’ve arrived – Sunday 21st July 2019

We’ve arrived

Well we’ve arrived and it’s hot hot hot. I am so glad that Mum made me pack the cool coat. I thought I wouldn’t need it but I was completely wrong. I’ve asked Mum if she can buy a cool mat for me for the car too, but she says I’ll have to wait until we get home this time. It wasn’t so long in the car today and where we’re staying is great. I think I’m going to like it here. There are forests everywhere. Mum found the last bit of the drive a bit of a challenge as the road was really windy and steep in places. You could tell how many of us there were in the car as we couldn’t go very fast up the hills. I don’t think it was just because I’ve eaten too much.

Log cabin

The house we’re staying is like a great big log cabin. Mum loves things like that. She’s really happy with it. I think she’s going to let the others go and do exciting things and then she and I will have some mother daughter time doing lots of woodland walks and chilling out. I spotted a cat I fancied chasing but Mum may have prevented that happening by asking everyone not to leave the doors open for me to get out. She’s mean like that. There are only a couple of neighbours where we are so I could probably chase the cat quite a long way and into the forest.

Helter Skelter

The boys were showing me pictures of a sort of helter skelter thing that they want to go on. It’s a mega toboggan. I want to go on it too. Mum is not good with things like that, but I wouldn’t think that should mean that I have to miss out. She says that there will be rules to prevent me from going, but I think she’s just saying that to make me stay with her.

Have a great day



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