Soaked – Monday 23rd September 2019


We got soaked and that was before there was any chance of a long walk. Mum took me out at 7am yesterday after my breakfast, just for a twenty minute walk. We were planning our long walk late. Things just didn’t go as planned. Ten minutes into the walk, so the furthest point from the hotel, the first spots of rain started. By the time we’d gone another few metres, the heavens opened and we got absolutely soaked through. Mum didn’t have a coat on. I was far from impressed, and I usually like water. By the time we got back to where we were staying we were both dripping wet.

We went straight to the car and shared my towel to get a little bit dry. I had a good shake, but Mum’s not so good at that. Then we dripped our way into the hotel reception and I flopped down while Mum had a coffee to recover a little bit.

No Ice cream

We did laugh about it all later, but it meant that none of us felt like braving the weather for a longer walk later. That wouldn’t have been so bad, but it meant I missed out on the chance of ice cream and the otters might have frolicked all day for all we know. Oh well, next time. The upsetting part for me was that Mum had ice cream at lunchtime and I wasn’t offered any. That’s humans for you.

We were both pretty low later when we had to say goodbye to Dad at the airport. We’ll see him soon but it’s not the same as being able to see him every day. We miss him. I’m counting down the day on my paws, which isn’t easy.

Now we’re looking forward to seeing the others and hearing all about their weekend and telling them about ours.



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