Under Observation – Friday 14th February 2020

Under Observation

Aristotle is under observation. Actually, to be more precise it is not him under observation so much as what deposits he’s leaving. He has excelled himself. He progressed from just removing his bandage to removing and eating it. What he ate was the length of special crepe bandage that sticks to itself. Now Mum is worried that he’s going to find it sticking to itself wrapped around some vital part of his inside. The vet has said if it doesn’t come out naturally in the next couple of days then he may need an x-ray to see exactly where it has got to. So far, he’s pooed twice since the incident and there is no sign of the bandage. We are watching very carefully indeed.

Valentine’s Day

Alfie asked if I would wish his girlfriend, Bella, a very happy Valentine’s day with all his love. She’s the only girl he’s ever loved, which is really sweet. Ari and I fall in and out of love with dogs we meet all the time, but Alfie just wasn’t like that. Shadow of course, well, the fact she’s had four litters of puppies by four different dogs tells you all you need to know! Having said that she did have a bit of a special relationship with the last one, who is my Papa’s housemate.

Good walk

Mum walked further than she has since breaking her ankle yesterday. We did just over 5km. We walked on the roads so the ground wasn’t uneven, but they aren’t busy roads. We only saw about eight or ten cars during the whole walk. We saw three horses too, which was good. I have asked if we can go again today, but the weather is forecast to be bad again so Mum has said we will have to see how it goes. If we go a little further that way we will get a good view of the floods that are out. If we get there, I’ll take a picture for you.

Love Wilma

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