Lovely Day Yesterday – Wednesday 8th April 2020

Lovely Day Yesterday

I had such a lovely day yesterday. I could not be a happier dog than I am having both of my humans around. Dad is working upstairs to that I don’t disturb him too much, but every time he came down for a coffee break or meal, I launched myself at him in appreciation. It helped that it was a sunny day, so we all sat on our favourite seat outside in the sunshine. Shadow and I had a lovely time running around together and rolling around like puppies. You would never guess she was an old lady when she starts playing. I was careful not to get too vigorous. It was great.


Mum said it is such a pity that Aristotle couldn’t be out with us all. She did sit outside with just Aristotle for a while so he could make the most of the sunshine too. His claw is a lot better than it was, but Mum doesn’t think the infection has gone completely so he’s getting an extension to his antibiotics. He isn’t complaining about any of it, which is so typical of how laid back he is. I’d be going mad if I had to have that much crate rest. Mum says now that I realise that I should be more careful and not throw myself around all the time. I know that in theory, but I just can’t stop myself.

New Routine

I really am enjoying the new routine of sitting in the lounge in an evening too. Most of the time Shadow keeps Andrew company so I get Mum and Dad all to myself. I don’t think either Mum or I will ever want Dad to leave. We’re both so much happier having him around. Mum doesn’t throw herself at him and lick him every five minutes, but I can tell in her own quieter way she’s just as happy.



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