My Nieces and Nephews – Saturday 22nd August 2020

My nieces and Nephews

I know I’ve already shown you one or two pictures of my most recent nieces and nephews but there are so many lovely ones HERE that I thought you might like to take a look. I do so wish I could have gone to see them before they went off to their new homes. It’s such a lovely thing for an aunt to be able to do. However sadly I shall just have to watch their progress from afar on this occasion. I’m really very proud of both my sisters Valeria and Tosca for all the wonderful puppies they have brought into the world. It is a great thing that they have been doing. It does make me wish that I could have been a mother, but it wasn’t to be.

Garden Café

If Mum is going to have a bistro type table in the back garden then the least I can expect is waiter service when I want something. It turns out that it is another instance of the world being dogist and that it isn’t actually intended for me. How was I supposed to know that? The squirrel has his own bench, it’s not unreasonable to expect the same for the rest of us resident animals. The squirrel also gets table service every morning, so you can start to see why I might feel disappointed to receive inferior treatment. Apparently the table will be used more fully when Dad comes home. Does Mum really expect me to wait there that long before my order is taken?

Weather forecast

I’ve looked at the weather forecast. I don’t think Mum’s plan of eating outside with Dad is going to be happening any day soon. It is forecast to rain every day for the next ten days. On the bright side, it will mean she doesn’t have to water the garden and won’t matter that there’s a hole she hasn’t mended in the water butt. Every cloud and all that.



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