Two Ways of Looking at Things – Monday 14th September 2020

Two ways of looking at things

There are always at least two ways of looking at things. I see my job as Mum’s trusty sidekick being to put a different point of view. Sometimes that is easy and sometimes I realise I’ve just let myself in for a whole load of trouble. There we were talking about Christmas. Now, I know you might think that’s a very long way away, but when Dad goes back next week we probably won’t see him again until December. Mum was getting a bit down saying that it was all going to be very difficult and probably a bit pointless. If it’s just us in the house and we can’t deliver presents then it wasn’t going to be like normal.

Being Positive

That’s when I chipped in. ‘We have to make it extra special instead then. I can help put the outside lights up and decorating the tree.’ Of course, I regretted those words as soon as I said them. It’s not as though I can go up a ladder and Mum’s not very good at it either. By the time we’d finished though we had a plan and she was a lot more cheerful. Whatever happens, Christmas isn’t going to be cancelled. She’s even agreed that she can still wear her Christmas jumpers even if she isn’t going anywhere. We can always do a series of selfies of the two of us.

Round 3 to the squirrel

Yesterday the squirrel won round three. When Mum got up he was on the bird feeder. She fed us all and went straight out with her camera, still in her dressing gown. She even gave him the first of the walnuts she’s bought him. The squirrel did not reappear. While she went up for a shower the came and took the walnut.



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