He’s On Guard Duty – Tuesday 15th September 2020

Guard Duty

Aristotle likes being on guard duty. He could be accused of sleeping on the job, but I couldn’t possibly comment on that one. With most guarding it’s to make sure no one comes in. In Ari’s case it’s more to make sure no one actually goes out. He wants to know that his pack is all safe and sound and can’t leave the premises without him knowing. We are all happy about the better weather. For one thing it means that Mum is happy to leave the back door open for us to just come in and out as we please. I lie outside in whatever patch of sun I can find. Ari lies just inside the back door sniffing the air, but without exposing himself to the outdoors.

He's on guard duty - Aristotle is lying by the open back door.

Shadow having a scan

Shadow is having a scan this afternoon. She hasn’t been eating properly for a couple of weeks now so Mum wants to find out what’s going on. It seemed to start with a bout of pancreatitis a month or two ago, but she just hasn’t got back to normal this time. We’re hoping it’s nothing serious, but we’d rather know what’s wrong so we can try to do something about it. Shadow is fed up as she has been eating a little better over the last 36 hours and now hasn’t been allowed any breakfast in case she needs a sedative. To be fair, she never has needed a sedative for an ultrasound, but it’s best to be careful.

Squirrel update

Oh you’d have laughed. Yesterday morning Mum saw the squirrel on the bird feeder. She went and got her camera and very quietly went out of the back door. So far so good. She got as far as having the camera to her eye and almost ready when the squirrel made an elegant leap for the fence and waved goodbye. This is not going well.



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