Under Supervision – Saturday 21st November 2020

Under supervision

I’m under supervision and it really is getting tiresome. I haven’t had a single carrot in the last twenty-four hours. I’m starving. How, when a girl has been put on a diet, is she to supplement her meagre portions when her human is keeping an eye on her at every opportunity? This is a nightmare. How is it that Mum is quite prepared to supplement the diet of the squirrels and the birds but be so hard on me? Ari says I should check the kitchen cupboards, but thanks to him Mum doesn’t leave anything accessible. The bin is not left open. If there is anything out, the kitchen door is left closed. What am I to do?

On the Bright Side

On the bright side the weather forecast is good for the weekend and Mum is planning to work outside in the garden. If she gets really involved in what she’s doing, I’m hoping she won’t notice if I have a quick jump into the vegetable trough. I can grab a carrot quite quickly and take it off down the garden. This time I will remember not to leave the top of the carrot where Mum will find it. That was how she rumbled me in the first place.

Shadow’s leg

Shadow is fed up with resting. On the bright side she is doing quite well and there does seem to be an improvement. She can now build up walking a little further but is still not allowed to do stairs. That means she can’t come to the office and can’t come upstairs to bed. She is however getting quite good at recognising songs on the radio and wants to start dialling in to enter their competitions. She says she could have won quite a lot of money yesterday if only Mum had let her ring in to their premium rate line!



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