Imagine If – Wednesday 9th December 2020

Imagine if

We want to tell you about Dogs for Good’s Imagine if campaign and we’d love if you could be involved. We’re going to let them tell you about it in their own words.

Imagine if

… your child was born with a disability that no-one could diagnose.

Our assistance dogs give children like Charlie the confidence and independence to shine.

When Charlie was born, it was obvious straight away that something was wrong. Mum Leanne had to steel herself to ask the most difficult question of her life – ‘Is my son going to die?’ The answer she received was simply, ‘We don’t think so…’.

Charlie and Ronnie his assistance dog from Dogs for Good - part of their Imagine if campaign

From that day forward, they have had to learn to live with the unknown.

His disabilities include vision and hearing impairments, low muscle tone, autistic traits and significant delays in his physical and cognitive development. Time and time again, they have been unable to access desperately needed help, because they don’t fit into one single diagnosable condition.

Meet Ronnie

Ronnie is Charlie’s assistance dog, trained by Dogs for Good. Mum, Leanne says:

Ronnie has made Charlie more independent, which has massively increased his confidence. He helps with practical tasks, such as retrieving items for Charlie, and helping him get dressed. I’ve also noticed a real change in Charlie’s energy levels. It wasn’t something I was expecting, but I think it’s because he focusses on Ronnie and forgets about his tiredness. Whatever the reason, it is so wonderful to see.

Charlie holding a treat bag with assistance dog Ronnie from Dogs for Good - part of their Imagine If campaign

£4.69 pays for a day

A gift of £4.69 from you could help train more dogs like Ronnie.

Ronnie goes with the family to the many hospital appointments they have to attend, and helps reassure Charlie that things are OK. He’s also helping Charlie with his therapies – simply throwing a ball for his dog encourages him no end with his co-ordination and gross motor skills. Leanne tells us:

The ways in which Ronnie is changing our lives are countless. He is all kinds of amazing. Life looks different since he has come along. Ronnie and Charlie are absolutely inseparable, and I can’t wait to see them grow up together.

Imagine if Ronnie hadn’t come along to give Charlie the confidence and independence to shine.

Now imagine your gift this Christmas doing the same for someone else. Someone who is desperately waiting for that life-changing call from Dogs for Good.

How our assistance dogs help

Assistance dogs can help build a level of independence and confidence in children by helping with practical tasks, such as:

  • Retrieving dropped items
  • Opening and closing doors
  • Helping with dressing and undressing
  • Helping with physiotherapy routines

Demand for our services is at an all-time high. We need your help.

Last year we received over 5,000 enquiries about our services and we currently are unable to help many families feel supported. With your support we will be able to help many more.

Please donate today.

We think that’s pretty worthwhile. We are donating and hope that you feel able to as well.

Love Wilma

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