Wishing it was Crufts – Monday 8th March 2021

Wishing it was Crufts

Mum and I have been wishing it was Crufts. More to the point, we’re been wishing it was both happening and that it was safe enough for us to go. It feels very odd not to be going there. We didn’t go last year either as Mum was already concerned about Covid. There is a possibility of it happening in July this year, but Mum has already told me it is very unlikely she would be ready to be around lots of people by then. It wasn’t the people I wanted to see so much as the dogs. And, to be fair, I was thinking of sniffing them rather than looking at them.

Show days are over

I guess it means my days in the show ring are at an end. Mind you, I’d have had to shed a pound or two before I wanted any judges commenting on my appearance. Mum says she would have to have done too!

My show career was fairly short lived, but I’ve got a rosette or two that I’m very proud of. There are others who are so much better at it than I am. I shall just be proud to watch them all and see how well they can do.

We’ll be back

When it comes to the Discover Dogs end of things, we’ll be back. I’m just not sure when. I like to meet my public. Zoom is all very well but you can’t smell people on Zoom. I’m sure a day will come when you can, but you may not think that’s a good thing. Frankly, working from home does seem to have lowered some people’s standards, but I’m not one to judge.

I think we’re all getting a little tired of not being able to be out and about as normal. Mum tells me I have to be patient, but that is not in my nature.

