Fit to travel – Sunday 21st March 2021

Fit to travel

Fit to travel – check. App downloaded to phone – check. Mask – check. Oh how things have changed since I last travelled anywhere. Mum was running through with Dad to make sure he has done everything so he can come home tomorrow. It really isn’t for the faint hearted. He’s got his negative covid test. That has to be in English, French or Spanish and he is travelling from the German speaking part of Switzerland. He had to make sure he would get the right paperwork. His package of tests is arranged for when he gets home and his paperwork has been completed. His quarantine quarters are nearly ready. That last bit is the only bit I can help with. I wasn’t trusted to take up any of the food that he has for snacks, but I tagged along.

Spring has sprung

A couple of days of sunshine really does make feel as though spring has sprung. It’s lovely spending more time outside and I’ve always been a bit of a sun worshipper. I like sun and I like snow, it’s the grey stuff we get that I’m not keep on. It’s funny, Mum is much the same. I like going out in the rain more than she does, but I’d still prefer it never to be grey and miserable. If the weather could stay good it would mean Dad could spend some of his quarantine outside in the garden which would be nicer for everyone.

Shadow is happy

As I told you yesterday, now I’ve demonstrated the K9 Connectables Kibble Connector Shadow will get to use it for all her meals. It’s a hit. Mum is happy as she doesn’t have to get down on her hands and knees to retrieve it from under the settee several times per meal. Shadow’s happy as she can roll it around the floor as much as she likes and get all her food. Mum isn’t making it more difficult by blocking off any holes yet, but she might.



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