Nursing Duties – Monday 22nd March 2021

Nursing duties

I’m on nursing duties. Mum isn’t well and I’m her carer. She says there is no better care than having me by her side and I’m happy with that arrangement. I’m not so good at doing the jobs that need doing, but I’m first rate at snuggling up to her and checking she’s ok at intervals. I do get breaks from my role and at those points, to give him his due, Aristotle is very good at taking over. He’s off to the vet’s for his scan today though, so he won’t be able to help. Of course that also meant Mum has had to get dressed to take him, even she draws the line at driving to the next village in her pyjamas.

Preparations for Dad

All the preparations for Dad’s arrival are complete. It’s a shame he will need to quarantine as it would be good if he could help me look after Mum. We don’t know what time tonight he’ll get here, it’s going to depend how bad the queues of people are at Heathrow. I just hope Mum is still awake to let him in. I guess I can bark to wake her if she’s not. At night, when Shadow is deeply asleep there is little chance of her hearing him arrive and Ari has never been the one to sound the alert on things like that. Mum says we’re going to bed early and setting an alarm for when we expect him.

Unspeakable things

There seem to be lots of pairs of birds doing unspeakable things in our garden. Mum says that’s good news, but frankly I think it’s shocking. There they are in broad daylight… well, you can imagine! At least if things go to plan we’re going to have plenty more birds to feed soon.



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