Turkey dinner – Thursday 23rd December 2021

Turkey dinner

Well it was turkey dinner all round yesterday. I really hadn’t seen that coming. The turkey was delivered about eleven in the morning. Mum said there was no point letting it sit in the fridge when it could be cooked nice and fresh. So she put it in the oven. It was so hard being able to smell it cooking for so long and not be able to eat it until later. I must admit to drooling every time I went into the kitchen. I guess if you are going to have an unconventional Christmas then you might as well go all the way with it.

Kitchen duty

Last night was spent with us all sitting on the kitchen floor while Mum carved the turkey into portions to put in the freezer. It was wonderful. Every now and again she’d drop a little bit and one of us would pounce. Ok, all of us pounced, but only one of us got the prize. Shadow was never in the right place at the right time, but Mum made sure she got her share. It was one of those lovely family times that you all talk about for weeks afterwards.

It gets better

The whole thing gets better as Mum has said the next job will be to boil up the bones to make turkey stock. We’ve all said we’re up for that one too and will be ready for when she strips the bones of any remaining meat. Oh the simple pleasures of Christmas. Better still we can all look forward to Mum’s turkey stew. It works very well for us as the things that most people put in which are dangerous for dogs Mum is allergic too. On the whole if it’s safe for Mum to eat then it’s safe for us too, so we can all look forward to some nice thick winter broth. It’s perfect after spending time outside in the cold. We just need some snow to go with it now.



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