Squeaky Ball – Saturday 8th January 2022

Squeaky Ball

Oh the fun a girl can have with a squeaky ball. I’m not sure which of us found it on the garden but Mum finally gave in and threw it for me yesterday. I was being a bit lively and living up to my ‘wild Wilma’ name tag. The ground was drier and frankly we couldn’t do much more damage to the grass than the digging it up that Shadow has been doing.

After tea when the others were happy to be indoors for a while, Mum took me outside on my own to play. I had such a marvellous time. Mum made me sit and wait each time before a throw, which was a bit annoying, but then I’d run right around the garden to bring it back and it felt wonderful. Of course, I had to squeak the ball all the way back to where Mum was standing. Then I barked the whole time I was waiting for her to throw it again.  Mum brought me back in when she thought the neighbours had probably had enough of the noise.

Exciting day

Today is such an exciting day. It’s not Christmas, that’s tomorrow, but when Dad gets up he will do a lateral flow test and as long as it’s negative he will be part of the family again. I’m excited, but you should see Shadow. She’s been struggling upstairs to see him as often as she can, but it hasn’t been easy for her. She says she’s going to follow him everywhere while he’s downstairs. I didn’t say anything, but she sleeps so deeply now that we could all leave the house and she wouldn’t know we’ve gone. She will never manage to stay awake long enough to follow him when he moves. When I said that to Mum she said I shouldn’t bank on it. In her experience Dad doesn’t move all that often so Shadow might keep up.



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