4th March Flashback – Friday 4th March 2022

4th March Flashback

I decided to do a 4th March Flashback. After all yesterday’s talk about Switzerland it made me want to look back in the diary as well as through the photographs. I haven’t done a Friday flashback for so long. I decided it was about time I did. It turns out that 4th of Marches have generally been pretty good days.

There was the one in 2016 when Aristotle went on a walk with Mum round the former airfield near where we lived in Yorkshire and the Red Arrows but a display on just for him. He was so excited about it and looking at the pictures I can understand why.


There were several 4th of Marches that were about plans for going to Crufts. I did feel a bit sad reading those that we aren’t actually going this years. However, it was fun reminiscing with Mum about past years. In 2015 Alfie was on the stand. He had to stand in for Shadow as that was the year she hurt her leg. He found things like that very stressful so it was very good of him to go.

It was talking about 2012 that really made me laugh. That was the year that Aristotle and Megan were on the stand at Discover Dogs. Mum used a trolley for Aristotle so he wouldn’t hurt his bad legs. It would have been a great idea if she’d also thought to secure his crate to the trolley. They had a dreadful moment going under the pedestrian underpass at the NEC in Birmingham when Ari’s crate fell off the trolley – complete with six month old Aristotle inside. While Mum tried to sort that out, Aunty Megan reversed out of her harness and ran free. Mum was mortified and felt such an amateur. Thankfully Ari wasn’t hurt and thought the whole thing was huge fun.

The Best Flashback

The best 4th March flashback was from 2019 when Mum and I went in search of the bench that we can see from the lounge window in Switzerland. We had an amazing walk and there was a lovely view back down to the house. I just wish we were there now.



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