This is exciting – Tuesday 12th April 2022

This is exciting

Oh this is exciting, for me anyway. In the book Mum is writing at the moment, one of her characters goes to a country park which is not far from here. Would I like to go with her to have a look? What a stupid question to ask a dog. Of course I want to go to a park. I always want to go to a park. That’s what I do. Mum says she needs to check a couple of things for her research. I just want to go somewhere new and have a good walk. I thought we might go yesterday as the electrician who was due to come was not well. However, Dad wasn’t well either, so that put paid to that. Mum says if everyone is all right, we might go this afternoon.

The skip

You wouldn’t believe how much in the way of old garden waste has gone in the skip. The excuse for it all being left in the garden was that it was for the wildlife. Mum has waited to move it until any wildlife would have moved out. However, there is no sign that any wildlife has now or at any time in the past lived in any of it. Mum is now frustrated that she could have been clearing some of it rather sooner. There is only one more area to clear and it will all be tidy.

Lots of birds

The wildlife that does live here is a wide range of birds. Mum is really enjoying watching them all. She’s worried about one of our ducks. There were a pair of them and now the poor bloke is all on his own. He keeps coming to the pond and quacking for a while, but no other duck comes to join him. Whilst we’re very happy to see him, Mum did like the idea of a pair moving in.



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  1. What a lovely garden. I know you love it, Wilma. I’d love a thorough look around. It looks very interesting from the photos I’ve seen so far.

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