Not so far – Monday 3rd October 2022

Not so far

Yesterday’s walk was not so far. Mum was tired and didn’t feel up to doing quite so much. We went along the lane opposite the house, including as section we hadn’t done before. In total we added 1.51 miles to our October total. We’re on track, but I’ve told Mum she won’t be able to slack as we haven’t banked enough extra for her to do that. She says I’m a hard task master, but the reality is I’m hoping that all this will mean I can increase what I’m eating again.

Aristotle’s eye

Poor Aristotle. After thinking his eye was improving on Saturday it was back to being just as bad as it started by yesterday. He was so miserable. He’s had all his medication as he’s supposed to, but it isn’t doing the job. Mum will be ringing the vet for him again today and taking him for his third visit. Maybe he should see a different vet, but it will depend on who is on duty. He’s feeling a bit worried about it all.


We tried to help cheer him up by helping him harvesting the squash. One of them weighs 5kg and is really very big. There are still six he has left to continue outdoors for a while, but the other eighteen are now in the greenhouse to help them ripen. He’s really rather proud of them. He wants to keep some of the seeds to start off next year’s crop. He’s got a parsnip and a carrot going to seed as well so that he can use those to start next year.

I think I forgot to tell you that the sunflower is having another go at flowering. Ari says it proves you should never give up but I think there are times when that can be a poor use of time.



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