After the battery – Wednesday 14th December 2022

After the battery

After the battery comes the slow puncture. Mum had to pump the tyres of the car up a couple of weeks ago and thought that was what finished off the battery. Anyway, yesterday when she took Aristotle swimming the tyre had gone down quite a lot again. It isn’t supposed to do that. So now the car is booked in for the tyre to be replaced and she’s trying not to use it until it’s fixed. We’re sincerely hoping that a) she doesn’t break down before it is replaced and b) nothing else goes wrong.

Ari’s swimming

Ari was very anxious at swimming. He said he really didn’t want to go even though he knew it would do him good. Mum said he was shaking the whole time. He was fine though and had a good swim and as a special treat Mum has given him Alfie’s old dressing gown to wear when he’s been. She thought that might cheer him up a bit. Alfie was bigger than Ari, so it does swamp him a little bit, but in the cold weather he did say he was grateful. She’s given him Alfie’s fleece as well and he’s wondering about wearing that out in the garden as he’s feeling the cold a little at the moment.

Christmas 2005 and 2006

I’m going to cover both of these together as I couldn’t find many good photos. In 2005 Alfie was just a very young puppy and still living with his Mama Anka. Mum and Dad did go to visit him around Christmas, but he didn’t move in with them until January. Mum said she can still remember the visit as they took the children and Dad’s parents too. It was in Belgium rather than here.

Then in 2006 Alfie had a Christmas which was partly in the UK and then back to Belgium afterwards. I can’t find any festive pictures but I did find a picture of him wearing one of his Christmas presents.

Alfie as a security dog
Supplementing the day job as a security dog



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