Did you miss me? – Tuesday 14th February 2023

Did you miss me?

Well did you miss me? Oh it’s good to be back at work. Being a working dog and having to be on crate rest do not go well together. Mum says I’ve been the model patient, but there wasn’t any point in being anything else. I’m still on gentle lead walks, but at least I can wander about the house without restriction.

Mum took me to the racecourse for my first walk yesterday. We didn’t go all the way around. I would have tried, but Mum could see my leg was hurting after about fifteen minutes so we cut across the middle and came home. She says we will probably do the same sort of distance today and then build it back up a little.

Good news

The vet rang with my final results while we were out. As far as they can tell they did manage to cut a sufficient margin around the tumour. Although it went right up to the muscle, the part of the muscle that the vet cut away for safety didn’t show any sign of cancer in it. Mum has to monitor the area where it was just in case it comes back, but all being well I’m in the clear.

Back to travelling

The trip to Switzerland did Mum so much good. It has given her back a lot of the confidence she lost during Covid. She’s still being careful but she’s back to making plans and taking me on lots of exciting trips – And I do mean lots. She has already planned the Lake District, Cornwall and Switzerland & Italy in the summer. Now she’s booking for us to go to Dorset in the autumn too. I am going to be able to tell you about everything from lakes and mountains to beaches and fishing harbours. She asked me whether I would rather stay in hotels or self-cater and it led to a long discussion. I do love staying in hotels, but as she is still being careful and I get a lot more freedom when we self-cater we agreed to do that for most of our trips. I can’t wait.



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