Peace and quiet – Saturday 4th November 2023

Peace and quiet

The weekend is definitely about peace and quiet. No one is drilling. There is no banging. Nor is there a radio playing music we aren’t used to. There’s just us and our normal everyday activities. I don’t think I realised how much a creature of habit I’d become until now. We’re all planning a quiet, lazy, snuggly sort of weekend. Ari of course wants to get out in the garden and Mum has promised that as long as the weather is good enough they should be able to do that. I’ve asked for a nice stroll, somewhere I can kick my paws through the leaves. Mum likes those sorts of places too, so I’m optimistic.

What we won’t be doing is going out tonight when there are lots of fireworks about. We’re all going to snuggle up on the settee, although Ari has always liked watching fireworks so he may sit by the window.


I know it’s a long way off, but Mum has checked with the builder that we should be ok to have Christmas here. Granny is due to be coming and Mum is cooking. The only question Mum has at the moment is where she is going to put the Christmas tree. She thinks she’s going to have to settle for a much smaller one this year so that she can fit it in. She does like to have a real tree. I think she may put up fewer lights this years too as she won’t be able to string them round the garden in all the places they normally go.

I don’t mind what we do as I’m more excited about going to see my family in Switzerland for New Year. I’m already counting down the days. I miss them all as well as my favourite places.



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