Long weekend – Saturday 4th May 2024

Long weekend

I am so glad it’s a long weekend. No builders for three whole days. Mum says she’s spending the whole weekend sleeping, but I know she won’t really. Dad is much better at staying in bed than Mum is. For one thing, Mum always puts me first. She gets up to take me out and feed me and then is too awake to go back to sleep. Dad relies on the fact that Mum has got up and simply comes to say good morning to me when he’s ready. If he takes too long then I ignore all the advice and go upstairs to find him.

Feeling loved

I’m feeling loved at the moment. Mum is shaping her whole diary around my needs. Before my operation she doesn’t want anything that will over tax me. After my operation she wants to be around to take care of me and doesn’t want me to have to travel in the car, except for vet appointments, until I’m fit. I keep telling her that I’m sure I’ll be fine, but she says looking after me is her job and she will do it to the best of her ability. It’s funny, in many ways the way she is really is very like the attitude of our breed. Maybe that’s why we all get along so well. Perhaps in another life she was an Entlebucher too.

Too much rain

Just as I was enjoying the better weather, we had too much rain again yesterday. It means the garden is soaking, which isn’t great for the gardening plans. Hopefully the sun will come out today and start to dry everywhere out. I might try to persuade Mum to doze outside in a sunny spot instead of indoors if it feels warm enough. It’s the sort of day for us to both curl up in her big chair. I can get her to bring the ramp out for me to climb up with her.



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