Pros and Cons – Thursday 7th February 2019

Pros and cons

Shadow looking majestic on her birthday yesterday
Shadow looking majestic on her birthday yesterday

Well there are pros and cons to my day today. On the one paw I get to play with lots of other dogs and that is always a good thing. I also get to see the lovely people in kennels who I like very much. However, on the other paw I don’t get to see Mum and any day without being with Mum is not a good day. Mum has had to go to London for a meeting. Thankfully, she doesn’t do that very often. She is glad about that too as she doesn’t really like cities and she hates being without me even more than I don’t like being without her. I feel kind of sorry for her too as she doesn’t get to spend her day playing with other dogs, which really makes it no fun at all.

Change round

Normally when we’re all here, I get to share with Alfie and look after him. However, because Shadow has taken to sharing a room with him during the day and they both appreciate life being a bit quieter, I’ve got to share with Aristotle. I don’t really mind, but he has just rolled his eyes and suggested I keep to my own side of our room and not bother him too much. I thought he might appreciate being jumped on, but it seems not.

Shadow’s birthday


Shadow had a nice birthday. She particularly enjoyed having some special time with Mum. Mum said she was trying to take a selfie of the two of them together, but Shadow hasn’t lost her mischievous streak and kept ducking out of the way at the last minute. Mum did get some nice photos just of Shadow though, but I wasn’t sure if one of them made her look as though she didn’t actually have a body!

I’m off to see if any of the other dogs are up for a game of chase. I bet they can’t catch me!

Have a great day


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