Parsnips – Sunday 24th March 2019


At last the parsnips! You may wonder what I’m talking about, but yesterday I helped our Mistress to sow the parsnips. We’re later than normal putting them in, so it really is good news. It’s great for me as my legs have been hurting a bit so we get lots of outdoor time together without actually going for a walk. Our Mistress has looked through the packets of seeds and worked out what we need to do when over the next few weeks, so it’s all exciting for me. She says we are going to need to move the roof box for the car so that Wilma doesn’t use it again to climb up and eat the carrots.

Spring Cleaning

One thing I hate about humans is the urge to spring clean.

Our Mistress: “Does your bed need washing, Aristotle?”
Me: “Er, no!”
Our Mistress: “It hasn’t been through the machine for a while.”
Me: “Still no.”

Then before I know it she has taken it away anyway, vacuumed all the dirt out of my crate and I’m having to watch my favourite cushion going round and round in the washing machine. Do I go up to her bedroom and start questioning her on the last time she washed things? No. Am I old enough to make my own decisions? Well I thought so, but we seem to be in a bit of disagreement over that.

Counting Down

We’re counting down to our Master coming home for a few days next weekend. Well, I say we, but it may be that I don’t actually see him. It’s all a bit complicated but the others are all excited. The girls are really excited as it’s Fun Day next Sunday so Wilma gets lots of dogs to bark at and Shadow sees some of my brothers and sisters. I just wish I could go to. Oh well, I’ll give them a good sniff when they get back.



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