Happy Birthday Aristotle – Thursday 19th September 2019

Happy Birthday Aristotle

Happy Birthday Aristotle, Amigo, Addie, Dora, Rafa, Arnie and Soggeli. Would you believe they are eight years old today? Shadow has been reminiscing about that Monday morning in 2013 when it all began. Our Mistress has been affectionately calling Aristotle ‘peanut’, his nickname because he was so small when he was born. I am been indulgently listening to them both. Frankly at my age I can’t get away from them all that easily so I’m easy prey as audiences go.

Anyway, we hope you all have a lovely day. Ari has nothing special planned but has asked for steak and ice cream for his tea. I’m not altogether sure he’s going to get it.

Who needs Hitchcock?

You really don’t need films called ‘The Birds’ in this house, we just have the real thing. Yesterday a little robin flew in through the open back door and then couldn’t get out of the office. You can tell Aristotle has a well-honed prey drive, or not, as he was terrified and ran and sat by the back door and wouldn’t come back. Once the poor little bird had stunned itself and found somewhere to sit, our Mistress began the rescue. She opened wide the window at the end of the office, then carefully lifted the robin and put him on the ledge until he had recovered. She got him some mealworm and seed too, just in case he wanted to have a nibble before he left. Ari did come back in, but only after the bird had left and our Mistress had cleaned up.


As if one bird was not enough, three stroppy ostriches have moved in. They aren’t real ones you understand, these have been painted and were our Mistress’s birthday present. Our Mistress says that one thing she likes about them is that their expression reminds her of Shadow, but I for one will not be telling Shadow she said that!


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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ari. Hope you have a lovely day. I have been reading the news lately but not been up to writing as I have had a poorly leg. I am on the mend now which is good news but apparently it will take sometime. I hope all the Entlebuchers
    going to the Fun Day have a great time at the weekend. It is going to be sunny which is great. I will be thinking of you. Lot of love to you all Dickens X

    • Aristotle says thank you. I’m so happy that your leg is improving. Wilma is very disappointed that you won’t be there on Saturday. She will pass on your greetings too.

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