Christmas Message 2019 – Wednesday 25th December 2019

Christmas Message 2019

Well dear pups, my Christmas Message 2019 is likely to be my last Christmas Message. I hope that Wilma will have learnt enough to continue the wisdom for me by next year, but for now it’s still me with all that my life has taught me.

The Greatest is Love

Pups, there is nothing more important in this world than love. Sadly, it is what is missing all too often. If you love your fellow men or dogs you think twice before you are impatient with them. You take care not to upset them. You don’t pee on their shoes or find other ways to annoy them deliberately. If you love those around you then you try to do good things for them, take care for them, take time to have a kind word for them and you listen to what they need. It is not about diving into your food bowl and leaving them hungry. It’s not about nestling down in your favourite blanket and leaving them cold. If you love those around you then you make sure they are warm and well fed, even before yourself.

Even in adversity

The hardest part can be continuing to give love when that is not what you receive in return, but I’m telling you pups, that is what you should do. It isn’t weak to respond with kindness when you face hardness in return, it is strength. If you can continue to love, despite the difficulties then you will be doing something wonderful.

Me at Granny and Grandpa’s yesterday

A message to Love yourself too this Christmas

This world has many people who are unhappy. Pups, you need to help them to learn to love themselves. I don’t mean to put themselves first at the expense of others, but to see themselves as worthy of love. You dogs can play a very important part in that. By giving love to a human who does not see themselves as lovable, you can change their lives and that is what you must do. Humans need to learn that each and every one of them is lovable and that they are special. So pups this Christmas I’m sending you all out to spread love. Spread love to each and every human you meet and in turn help them to spread love to their fellow humans and back to us.

There is no limit to love. In fact, the more you give, the more you’ll find there is to go around.

Happy Christmas to all you pups and humans



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  1. Dear Alfie,
    What a smart boy!!!
    If I could reach into the computer, I’d give you the biggest hug in the whole world. Hope the rest of your journey is a peaceful one.
    Love, Michele

  2. Hello Alfie and all your family, we are all sending HAPPY CHRISTMA wishes to you in Yorkshire and to all Entlebuchers and their humans everywhere in the UK and abroad. Enjoy your day and give everyone a big hug. Lots of love Dickens and all my family in Sussex XXXXXXX

  3. Wonderful wise words Alfie. Love to you and all that are yours. Have a lovely Christmas. Dexter x

  4. Thank you for those lovely words Alfie. I try to spread love everywhere I go with big smiles and lots of bounce. I shall continue as long as I have the energy to do so. Have a restful day today and look after your mistress.
    Lots of love
    Betsy xxx

  5. Bless you lovely Alfie, your presence, wisdom and love you have given & always will, has made the world a much better place to be. A proud father of many pups and all the joy you & they have brought to many. A magical doggie star that shines bright now and always.
    Big doggie hugs & licks to you.

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